Compass - Beratung, Begleitung und Training gemeinnützige GmbH, Austria (Coordinator)
COMPASS is a non-profit private company established in Innsbruck/Austria with an intercultural focus to provide educational social, economic, and cultural integration of migrants and refugees and to help people who face obstacles in different areas of their life while access to opportunities in local, regional, and national levels. To achieve our organisation goals, Compass implement a range of activities:
- Language courses and digital courses for migrants and disadvantaged groups
- Vocational and educational counselling for migrants and disadvantaged groups
- Vocational trainings for disadvantaged youngsters that have been framed considering the demands in the employment field in the Tyrol region and target groups’ needs and learning styles.
- Cultural and social events bringing together people from disadvantaged groups and people from local community to create acculturation among these two groups.
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Ecosistemas Virtuales y Modulares SL, Spain (Partner)
EVM defines itself as an SME with a "spirit of change", which designs and executes its projects from the commitment to provide value and generate impact on the welfare of people, making this premise the basis of their relationships. The majority of the working team includes people with experience in public administration. The figure of the "company" not only allowed a greater degree of flexibility in a context of economic crisis but, more importantly, facilitated the capitalization of knowledge of the team and allocated part of the business benefit to generate real social innovation. EVM's philosophy is based on a series of principles and values that guide our way of being and doing. We are passionate about delivering results, not reports. The company applies ethical standards and quality expertise in every project.
Amadora Inovation E.M Unipessoal Lda., Portugal (Partner)
Amadora Inovation E.M. Unipessoal Lda. (Amadora INOVA) is a municipal company developed in 2016 with legal personality, administrative and financial autonomy and its own assets. The company belongs exclusively to the municipality of Amadora with a mandate to develop, within the broader municipal strategy and based on strategic objectives to establish:
- solutions for quality education designed to reduce school dropout and unsuccess;
- solutions for reducing poverty and promoting social inclusion;
- solutions to promote equal opportunities;
- solutions for entrepreneurship promotion and support;
- solutions for sustainable and high value projects for the city through innovative approaches based on cooperation on a local, national and international level and aimed to specific areas of intervention.

Social Impact Development Centre, Luxembourg (Partner)
Social Impact Development Centre (SIDEC) is an inclusive young but very ambitious organization which brings together PhD holders, and other students from the University of Luxembourg mostly with immigrant backgrounds. The aim is to take advantage of the diversity of Luxembourg to create a center of competencies to make visible the contribution of people from immigrant backgrounds in the socio-economic development of Luxembourg and Europe in general. In this sense the organization consists of engineers from several disciplines, high school teachers, entrepreneurs, social workers, and independent employees. Since 2018, the organisation has implemented projects for socially disadvantaged and vulnerable people in many aspects on a national level. In this sense, SIDEC collaborates with several NGOs, and extends employment or entrepreneurial opportunities, which could contribute to the development of local communities and be the subject of international cooperation as well. Likewise, the organisation encourages the transfer of diverse knowledge skills acquired by members in their academic and professional pathways to people from immigrant backgrounds in order to facilitate their integration into Luxembourgish society. The migratory trajectories of members within the organisation, the difficulties they have faced in the European context, the strategies of resilience they have developed, their deep knowledge of the Luxembourgish society are all reasons that motivated the creation of this organisation with the intention to be agents for social cohesion and sustainable developement.
Ivan Hadzhiyski Basic school, Bulgaria (Partner)
Primary school “Ivan Hadziyski” educates almost 300 Roma students. They are taught in 11 classes. The total number of staff is 28 people. It has great history and traditions in the field of education. Our school's greatest potential together with students are teachers who themselves are willing to take a big part of responsibility and work. The aim of the school is to educate each student to his full potential academically, culturally, socially and spiritually, even most of the students have low results and special educational needs. The school fosters diversity in education and it tries to educate solidarity and environmentally respectful people with a high critical capacity, teamwork and compromised with innovation. We try to constantly adapt to the challenges our students are facing. Our teachers put a lot of efforts in providing knowledge and skills that are most needed for real life.

Tekkeköy İlçe Milli Eğitim Müdürlüğü, Türkiye (Partner)
Tekkeköy District Directorate of National Education, which is situated in the centre of the district, Tekkeköy in Samsun/TÜRKİYE. It is the most authorized educational institution in Tekkeköy. It is a public body responsible for the execution of all educational activities, including formal and informal education. It has a core staff with the number of 21 including 4administrative staff and 17 officers. Since we are in a rural area, our young people don't have so many opportunities as the people in urban area. Most of the population in our district is immigrants. Our educators work with immigrant children and adults in our schools and public education center.We try to develop and improve our education and social activity opportunities provided to students and young people by following all new technologies and best pedagogical, cultural and social methods in order to present the most desired and beneficial education for our society. We would like to make our children and young people be ready for the life mentally, psychologically and physically and eventually upper the social, economical and educational level of the society.
Fondatsiya Obrazovatelno Satrudnichestvo, Bulgaria (Partner)
Educational Co-operation Foundation (ECF) is a non-profit legal entity entitled to provide public services. The Foundation has an efficient team of 5 staff members and 2 volunteers and its portfolio demonstrates significant experience both as a leading and partner organisation in a variety of projects and initiatives at national, regional, European, as well as international level. Our organization has the mission to foster and enhance innovation processes in the areas of primary and secondary education, teachers’ training, diversity and inclusion, youth policies, personal and vocational orientation of youngsters, development of methodologies and resources for face-to-face and online teaching and learning. Foundation’s quality management system includes wide publicity of its activities, elaboration of a feedback report based on personal assessment of each activity, monthly strategic and evaluation stuff meetings as well as involving wide range of local and national officials in its projects and activities.